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This web site contains links/references to third-party web sites. Links to other web sites are provided to our web site users merely for the sake of convenience.

Park Gate Animal & Bird Hospital does not accept any responsibility for the availability, usability or any liability for damage or injury resulting from the use of such contents, of whatever form.

General Pet Health Links

SPCA Animal Poison Control Center
24 HOUR Emergency Hotline for Poison Control

Vancouver Animal Emergency Clinic
24 Hour Emergency and Critical Care Facility

Canada West Veterinary Specialists
A 24 Hour referral based hospital which provides specialized diagnostic technology and healthcare.

Central Animal Emergency Clinic
Emergency Care Facility

Mountainside Animal Hospital
24 hour emergency services

College of Veterinarians of British Columbia
Provincial association which governs and licenses veterinarians within B.C.

Pet Plan Health Insurance
Pet Health Insurance is an important part of wellness and routine health care.

World Wide Animal Travel
Animal transport organization which specializes in the worldwide travel of both small and large pets.

Official Site of the Canadian Veterinary Profession
A comprehensive site covering a variety of health topics concerning dogs, cats and small mammals.

Pet Finder
A central database of various adoptable animals from shelters, animal welfare groups and rescue organizations from all over North America.

Novartis Animal Health
Information for both dogs and cats on topics such as kidney disease, fleas, parasitic worms and heart disease. Topics can be found under the pet health section.

American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Thorough information on a variety of surgery topics, including cruciate injuries. This info can be found by clicking on the “health conditions” link in the animal owners section.

Feline Health Links

Cornell Feline Health Center
A site dedicated to providing information on feline related health issues.

Feline Diabetes
Description of the disease, treatment, and management of feline diabetes.

Pets With Diabetes
A thorough site covering all aspects of companion animal diabetes.

Exotic Pet Links

West Coast Tropical Bird Studio
A local bird supply store located in Vancouver, BC.

BC Exotic Bird Society
Local bird society website with many informative links.

Miami Ferret Association
Health care and behaviour topics as well as answers to commonly asked questions.

Guinea Lynx
A medical and care guide for guinea pigs which includes thorough information on nutrition.

Oxbow Pet Products
Website containing information on nutrition and housing of small mammals such as guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, chinchillas and more. Balanced nutrition supplies can also be ordered through this site.