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Upcoming: International Rabbit Day

On September 28, it will be International Rabbit Day! We get so many wonderful, adorable rabbits here at the clinic to check up on, so we’d like to share some tips about what it’s like to own a pet rabbit for those considering!

1. Bunnies are quiet.

If you live in an apartment building or have nearby neighbors, the noises pets make can be an issue. Generally,  rabbits make little to no noise. The fact that bunnies are so quiet is also great if you’re a light sleeper and your rabbit is up at night. 

2. Rabbits have great personalities!

People who have never had a rabbit as a pet don’t realize that rabbits actually have very distinct personalities. These animals can be charming, affectionate and very interactive. When choosing a bunny as a pet, spend some time getting to know them before you decide to take him home to be sure his personality fits yours. Just like more traditional pets, some bunnies are rambunctious and playful, while others may be more shy and reserved.

3. Rabbits bond closely with their owners. 

Ask any bunny owner who interacts regularly with his pet and he’ll tell you that, just like dogs or cats, rabbits get to know their owners well. They recognize them by voice and sight and will even come on command. Bunnies may even follow their owners from room to room and jump up on their laps when called.

4. Rabbits need less space than other pets.

If you live in a small house or apartment and you’re looking for a cuddly pet who doesn’t require a lot of space and doesn’t need to be walked, a rabbit may be right for you. As long as bunnies get a couple of hours of exercise running around outside of their cages in a bunny-safe room or house, they may be kept in relatively small cages. The space needs to be large enough for them to stretch out in and allow room for a litter pan in one corner and a feeding station for hay and pellets in another. Some rabbits also like an upside-down box to hide in.

5. Rabbits are easily trained.

Bunnies can be trained not only to use a litterbox, but also to run through obstacle courses and to do tricks. Using the principles of positive reinforcement training, rabbit owners can encourage their pets to learn certain behaviors by repeatedly rewarding them with special treats when they perform these behaviors. It’s best to use novel treats that they only get during training. With just a few minutes of training a day, rabbits can learn to jump through hoops, retrieve items and run through mazes. Many rabbit owners don’t realize they can use the same techniques that are used to train dogs to train their rabbits as well!

Information from vetstreet.

If you’ve got a new rabbit or bunny, or have one who already sees us, come and see us in the Deep Cove/Seymour area of North Vancouver and make sure your bun-bun is up to date and healthy at our animal clinic! You can also give us a call at 604-929-1863. 

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